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Thursday, 9 July 2020

9/Jul/20 I will just use my ears to cover my eyes

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Hmmm...  the Big Guy must think he is really sneaky.  I can hear him moving around.  Then, it gets quiet and FLASH.  Him and those damn pictures he takes of me each morning.

Tonya has given the Big Guy two jobs to do today.

One, is to make a beef stew. Now, you know he is going to put some onions in it.  That will mean, no beef stew for me.

The second, is to take the left over chicken from the other day and to make a 1/2 serving of Chicken Alfredo.  He says that he can do that too.  Now, there is no onions in that.  But I'm sure it would be bad for me, some how or other.  They would find a way.

Yesterday, Aurora came for a visit.  She is rather small.  I sniffed her and went and found a corner in the house.  I bet later on, when she can walk and talk, she is going to find me and will pull on my fur.

The Big Guy watched her take about 4 to 5 steps.  On her own.  Later on, when Tonya same home, she took about 2 steps on her own.  She was tired and it was her nap time.  Tonya was quite happy to see her take those steps on her own.

It's raining out right now.  Of course the people that live in the country, that are on a well, they are rather excited about the rain.  The Big Guy is happy with the rain as he doesn't have to shovel it.  It also makes the grass green and such.  So, he is happy, but for different reasons.  He has been eye balling the hedge that is growing on the side of his driveway.  It's growing too.  That doesn't make him unhappy, but it doesn't make him happy either.  He says, it just more work to keep it trimmed.

He says, as long as it isn't snow. he is quite happy.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog running around our back deck

Bye bye fur now

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