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Saturday, 25 July 2020

25/Jul/20 there he is, the hot dog eater, beautiful markings

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy was on Facebook yesterday.  As is a lot of other people.  He is finding it difficult to deal with a lot of people being Social Justice Warriors.

This person did that.  This person refused to do something.  Did you see what that person did.  I'm horrified to see what this person is all about.

The Big Guy is more about feeling good and trying to get by during these uncertain times.

He finally had to start un-friending people on Facebook that he has known for a long time.

Which, he says, causes him more stress, to know that he is loosing a long time friend.  He has been upset with another friend, that he believes, he may have to un-friend on Facebook.  Again, another Social Justice Warrior.  

Or when the Big Guy was in the Navy...  These people were labeled "A Lower Deck Lawyer".

They believe their "cause" to be just.  They try to rally the troops to be on their side.  But what they are actually doing is causing unrest and turmoil.  

When you try to call them out on it.  YOU are now given a label by them as being something that your actually not.  But it aligns with their thoughts and how they view the world.

It would seem that the Big Guy has "a sad" yesterday.  I gave him my best doggie hug.  He seems to be a lot better now.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his snow bank

Bye bye fur now

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