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Wednesday, 1 July 2020

1/Jul/20 Happy Canada Day your 153 today

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The country of Canada is a lot older than I am.  But pretty young as most countries go.  Like England, is close to 1100 years old.  We used to be a colony of England a long time ago.  But we asked permission to be known as our own country.

We will have the Queen of England as our queen as well.  She is a nice lady.  The Big Guy says he seen her from a distance of about 500 feet or so.  He was on one ship and she was on another.  They were doing this thing called a "Sail Past".

Yesterday the Big Guy was outside cooking lobsters.  This is the second time he was outside cooking lobsters and this is the second time, he was caught in the rain.  Also, the second time that once he was finished, the sun came out.  So, had he waited about an hour or two, he would have cooked the lobsters in the sun shine, vice the rain.

He didn't complain too much though.  He knew the job had to be done.

He will be cooking hamburger and hot dogs later on.  I wonder how many hot dogs I will get to have?  I'm hoping, a lot.

Tonya always insists that I get a least one hot dog.

Not like that one time, several years ago, when the Big Guy had purchased this BBQ pack from Walmart.  It had some hamburgers, chicken breasts, pork chops and finally, some hot dogs.  16 hot dogs specifically.

The Big Guy put the hot dogs on a plate and left the plate on the counter.  He was going to cook the hot dogs last.  

He came inside to get the hot dogs as everything else was cooked.

He was looking and looking and looking.  He didn't see the hot dogs anywhere.  That's when he also noticed, I wasn't anywhere to be found either.

Yes, I ate all 16 hot dogs.

Yes, they were good.



Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying to get to his toy

Bye bye fur now

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