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Monday, 20 July 2020

20/Jul/20 I will stay outside, in the rain, next to the hot dog maker

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday Tonya and her sister went to the beach.  Tonya only put on sun screen after she was feeling warm.  Well, someone got sun burnt.

Now, she says it isn't all that bad.

But she went to bed and slept above the covers last night.

She will not admit that she is hurting, but she's hurting.

Now, her sister, she stays out twice as long as what Tonya did.

She called Tonya last night to say, she was really sun burnt.

The Big Guy, he was at work.  

He would have also not gone to the beach as that isn't his "thing".  He says that the water is where Big Fish live.  He is NOT on their menu.

Or he would have gone to the beach, but he would have brought a sun umbrella with him.  He would also have brought something to "drink" and would have sat in the back of the car for the trip home from the beach.

The Big Guy also likes to say stuff, like this isn't his first rodeo.

Yea, like I've ever heard him say THAT.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the pool noodle

Bye bye fur now

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