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Thursday, 16 July 2020

16/Jul/20 I'm keeping an eye out for other dogs walking past our house

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Today, I've got to go to the Vet.

It's my annual check up.

But, I am what the Big Guy calls, an Orangutan.

I may look all peaceful and cuddly.  But I'm also strong as fuck.

A few years ago, Tonya and the Big Guy decided that I would get neutered.  At the same time, they decided that they would get my mutant dew claws removed.  

The Dr that did the operation, well, she did delicate work.  I'm not what you would call delicate.  Of course, the wounds got infected and opened up.

So, twice a week, back to the vet for a dressing change.

I knew the drill.  In the car, off to the Vet.  Go to the back room.  There would be 2 or 3 of them, they would wrestle with me.  I never bit any of them.  But they also knew, I was NOT enjoying it.

One time, I decided, they were done.  I'm leaving now.  I seen the door to the back room open up and I thought my appointment was done.

I dragged one of the assistants from the back room.

I was happy to be leaving.  She didn't stand my of a chance.  She wasn't much taller than Tonya.  She weighed about 110 to 115 pounds.  At the time, I would have been about 125 to 130 pounds.  My advantage...  I engaged my 4 paw drive.

After that, the got the Big Guy to bring me to the back room.  He would stay while they worked on my paws.  I used to get pretty stressed.  Now they got these pills they give me.  

Like today.  I thought it was bizarre.  The Big Guy came up to me with peanut butter on his finger and he put it across the roof of my mouth.  Then gently held my mouth while I licked and licked the peanut butter off the roof of my mouth.

Hmmm...  I seem to be feeling a lot more relaxed. (Pills are kicking in)  Time for a nap.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog needs to get his booties off his paws

Bye bye fur now

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