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Tuesday, 14 July 2020

14/Jul/20 it's tough being this lovable, but here I am, kicking it

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy walked around the house this morning and opened up every door and window that he could.  It was warm in the house.  Now it's cooling off significantly.

They say that this is the type of weather that a duck would enjoy.  "Wet" is the word of the day for today and for tomorrow.

The Big Guy got his dressing changed on his legs.  One of them is a type that he can take off and put back on his own.  The other one, well, it's a wee bit more in place.  That one can't be put back once it's taken off.  Which is fine by the Big Guy.  It allowed him to put that leg in a garbage bag and tie the ties at his knee and then he was able to get into the shower.  He said that it felt so good to have a shower.

But then, after his shower, he came down stairs where it was uber warm in the house.  He became a hot sweaty mess right away.

That's why all the doors and windows are open.

The Nurse that put the dressing on his leg yesterday, she did a much better job.  This dressing isn't sliding down his leg like the previous one.

But with the rain and the fact that the Big Guy has his leg wrapped in a dressing...  I think that he thinks he will be playing his XBox most of the day.

I bet Tonya has other plans for him.  And the XBox isn't one of them.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog outside in the snow

Bye bye fur now

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