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Saturday, 8 July 2023

8/Jul/23 who is walking on the street


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Today is going to be interesting.

We are expecting a forecasted high of 29 with the humidex of 36.

I don't much like the heat.

Now, the Big Guy, he will be happy.

He doesn't mind the heat.

He would much prefer being warm than cold.

But, then it comes to a point, where there is just too much heat.

I think, what ever Tonya plans to cook today, she should cook it early.

Later on, when it's really warm outside is not the time to be cooking stuff.

The Big Guy had planned to make Chicken Pot Pie yesterday.

In the end, he just made chicken stew.

Pea, oh my...

Loads of peas.

Now, the peas had frozen into a huge lump.

The Big Guy got out his hammer and was gently smacking the peas to break them apart.

He is going to have to make something else and put more peas in it.

That will use the other 1/2 of the bags of peas that he got in the freezer.

Perhaps next time, he will actually make Chicken Pot Pie.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog watches Aurora making faces

Bye bye fur now

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