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Saturday, 29 July 2023

29/Jul/23 laying on the cool groud


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Every so often, when I'm outside, I will paw at the ground.

It exposes and cool dirt.

Then, I lay on that colder dirt.

Tonya gets upset as I bring that dirt into the house.

But a dog has to cool off somehow.

I don't much like water.

Although I do love snow.

Which is pretty much frozen water crystals.

The key component, frozen.

The Big Guy's left ankle has been sore for the last few days.

He isn't sure what he would of done to it.

The Big Guy also found out, he can make mixed berry compote.

Not something he realized till yesterday when he was watching YouTube videos.

Although the recipe if fairly easy and makes little mess.

You also have to be able to store it.

He doesn't believe you can make large batches.

Or, if you did, will it freeze well.

I'm pretty sure I could have some of that.

No onions.

No garlic.

Just berries, sugar, water, cornstarch and some lemon juice.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max Our Bernese Mountain Dog waiting for his Mommy to get home from work

Bye bye fur now

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