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Tuesday 29 March 2022

29/Mar/22 it's only snow


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Tonya and the Big Guy seem to be coughing a lot.

Turns out, Covid isn't done giving.

The Big Guy read about the "Covid Cough".  It's a real thing, but should run it's course in about a month or less.

The Big Guy got off work before Tonya.

He decided to lay down and have a nap.

Tonya came downstairs and put me outside.

It was snowing out.

The really big snow flakes.

I came inside and the Big Guy was still laying down.

He arm was sticking out as he was laying on the couch.

His fingers brushed up against the fur near my hind quarters.

My brain says: HEY!!  The Big Guy is going to give you a scratch!!

I side stepped.

His arm is now full of snow and he can't move it away from my fur, which has a lot of snow on it.

Now he is 100% awake.

But he isn't giving me a scratch.

Better side step again so he can give my hind quarters a proper scratch.

Where did his arm go?

Why isn't he scratching me?

I glanced and he has pulled his arm under the blanket.

His blanket is full of snow that was on my back.

Look, it's only snow.  It will melt.  SCRATCH ME!!

Guess I better shake the snow off my back.

Well, now the Big Guy isn't happy at all.

But I got the snow off my back so that he could give me a proper scratch.

He told me to go lay down.

What a mean guy.

No scratches.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog got snow on his fur

Bye bye fur now

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