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Thursday, 6 August 2020

6/Aug/20 Baby Jack doesn't know what to make of me

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

As you can see by the picture, I had some company yesterday.

Trinity, the mom to Baby Jack, was holding him so that he could check me out.  He is 9 months old.  He weighs 25 pounds.  I weighed 25 pounds after 8 weeks.  But then again, I'm also a dog, he is a human, so we grow at different rates.  I could also walk about a week or two after being born.  Jack still needs some help walking.

One of the Big Guy's programs was on last night.  It's called Big Brother.

Some of you will not care, but last March, they shut down Big Brother Canada during the Covid 19 outbreak.  So far, it hasn't effected Big Brother, or Survivor.  The show must go on.

Yesterday the Big Guy was outside, fixing the wooden bench that his father had made.  Well, when he was screwing in the arms, he got a little too aggressive and he cracked the arm.  He had to take the time to cut out two new arms.  He will be attaching them today and then painting the chair.  That should take about an hour, perhaps less, to paint the chair.

If my non-furry Memere would be here, she loves to paint.

The other day, the Big Guy also cut down two tree branches from the tree that was in the front yard.  Well, he took the time to remove the tree branches, and cut them up.  Some went in the back yard for the burn pit, the other, smaller branches, it went in the green bin to be recycled.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog enjoying the pool and the deck

Bye bye fur now

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