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Monday, 31 August 2020

31/Aug/20 so are you going to stare at me, or go cut the lawn


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy is rather torn.  The lawn is looking weird.  Some parts of the lawn have grown.  Then, there is other parts, it hasn't grown at all.  But with the rain we got yesterday, the stunted parts of the lawn should grow.

The Big Guy believes he may sleep in tomorrow.  Vice getting up at 4 in the morning, he may sleep in to 5:00 or even as late as 5:30.

As the Big Guy has been looking at the weather network, he's been seeing that the temperature is getting lower and lower each week.  The other day, he worn he fall jacket when they sat outside.  Tonya made fun of him for wearing a jacket.

Today, is what would be the Big Guy's "Friday" shift.  It's the end of his work week.  For the rest of the world, it's Monday.  The Big Guy doesn't seem to mind having 3 days off in a row.

When the Big Guy is at work this early, he has to have the light on so that he can see what he is doing while he is at work.  But that means he can't look outside to see what's going on.  Although he does understand, it's only 6:00 in the morning.  What does he really expect to see outside at this time of the morning?

The Big Guy forgot about the people that he works with, some of them are in Texas.  So, for them, it's only 4:00 in the morning.  They still got several more hours before they will be able to see anything outside.

The Big Guy also takes calls from New Zealand and Australia.  So the sun is just setting over there.

We certainly do live in a connected world.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - 

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog playing with the Big Guy

Bye bye fur now

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