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Sunday, 23 August 2020

23/Aug/20 it's still not cold enough for me to be comfortable


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy is at work.  It's oh-dark-early.  The sun isn't even up yet.  But this is nothing new for the Big Guy, as he is normally up before the sun is anyways.

Tonya is still sleeping and she will be for the next few hours anyways.

I was seeing on the news that there is going to be two tropical depressions that is going to be hitting the folks that live around the Gulf of Mexico.  That means a lot of rain for them.  Both storms will hit within 24 hours of each storm.  So it will be like...  here we are, storm 1, did you like that?  No?  Well here is storm 2.  Boom-chaka-lacka!

The temperature is dropping.  Not like last week.  Man oh man, I was so uncomfortable.  Normally in the Maritimes, we don't get temperatures above 30 C as we live close to the Atlantic Ocean.  But the normal high temperature for us, is around 22 C.

The folks in Death Valley California broke a record this year.  It was 55 C, or 132 F.  Yea, that's really warm.

The Big Guy has said that he would really love to be able to drive through Death Valley, just to put the check in the box.  But that is way too hot.  He said that he isn't an idiot and that he would actually prefer to drive through in February, when the temperature is normally around 23 C.

Then again, there is a few other places he would also like to visit.

Like the Barringer Crater. He knows it's a big hole in the ground, but he would still like to see it.

Your Blast From the Past

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog turns into a Minion

Bye bye fur now

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