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Wednesday, 5 August 2020

5/Aug/20 yup you can scratch that itch just under my chin

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday morning, the Big Guy went out front on his property and he was trimming the front hedge.  He also got out the whipper sniper and went to town with that.

At one point, Tonya wanted to go sit out front and bring me with her, so that we could watch the Big Guy working on all this yard maintenance.

He yelled at Tonya and told her to keep me inside.  That I don't like those machines and the noise they make.

Which, by the way, is true.

When the Big Guy has me outside on the back deck and he is mowing the lawn, or using the whipper sniper, or the hedge trimmer...  I bark and bark and bark...  I even try to reach out through the rungs on the railing to the deck, to try to reach out to that piece of machinery.

Scientist have figured out, the noise that those machines make, sounds like a wounded dog.  So it is our natural reaction to try to see where that wounded dog is.  Even if we can't see it.

Yesterday, the Big Guy also cut out two branches from the tree that is in his front yard.  Today, he has to disposed of the branches.  He has to fix his chain saw to be able to do so.  Yet another machine that will get my attention.

With all this yard work that has to be done, the Big Guy isn't going to have much time to play on his XBox.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog has expressive eyebrows

Bye bye fur now

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