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Monday, 24 August 2020

24/Aug/20 is that walker a sign that I'm getting older


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday we had visitors for supper.  Aurora, Colby and Mylynne.  Floyd stayed home as he wasn't a big fan of mashed potatoes.

I tried to stay away from Aurora.  She has little hands and they move faster than normal people.  At least with bigger humans, they "telegraph" that they are going to reach out.  Small children, they don't have any signs that they are going to reach out and grab at your fur.

Tonya put Aurora in her rocking chair yesterday.  She slid right out of the chair when she wanted down.

Later on, after supper, Aurora was walking around the house, trying to discover stuff.

She was told "No No" quite a bit.

They have a water station in the dining room.  It's a 5 gallon water bottle and there is two taps.  I can't reach the taps just yet.  But I can certainly reach the plastic mesh that is on top of where the excess water would go if it were to overfill the glass.

Yes, I was told "No No" and to drop it.

They are blaming the Big Guy for showing me the water station.

At one point, she was over at my feed station.  She thought it was grand to play in my water bowl.

She went back to my water bowl several times.  Each time, she was told "No No".

She doesn't listen very well.

After everyone had left, the Big Guy took a long nap.  I didn't bother him.  He was up really early yesterday morning to go to work.

Same with this morning, he is at work again, really early.

He said to Tonya, he is really going to enjoy this early shift.  When he got off work at 3:30 yesterday afternoon, he said it reminded him of when he was working in the Navy and got to leave work early.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - 

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is watching TV with me

Bye bye fur now

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