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Sunday, 30 August 2020

30/Aug/20 you don't make me treats any longer


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

It's been over a year since the Big Guy has taken the time to make me some doggie treats.  The last batch would have been slightly under cooked and that allowed some mold to grow on the treats.  Those treats were thrown out to the sea gulls.

I would think, if he were to make the treats from peanut butter, they might last longer.

But he has also figured out, the time and effort, the pay off isn't there.  You can purchase pre-made treats for a lot less.

But that would be the same for making home made cookies.  Yes it is less expensive to purchase cookies from the store than to make them.  But home made cookies are pretty good!

Yesterday we had an "active shooter" in the Sydney Mines area.  People on Facebook are pretty upset that there wasn't any public alert about this.  The police did get him.  But the police also figured that this guy was only after specific people and not after the general public.

Still, it would have been nice to know as Tonya and the Big Guy were sitting out on the front deck when they seen two police cars zoom past their house.  No sirens or anything like that, but you could tell, they were hustling to get somewhere.

Tonya also has purchased some peanuts and they were feeding the Blue Jays.  They were commenting on how pretty those birds are.  I managed to get a few peanuts from Tonya.

As I'm typing this blog, the rain is falling and you can hear it hitting the metal roof.  It does make a very distinctive noise.  Not the same as asphalt shingles.

The Big Guy often wonders, what it would sound like if he were to sleep in the attic.  I guess he could find out if he really wanted to.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - 

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gets a new treat dispenser

Bye bye fur now

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