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Wednesday, 9 August 2023

9/Aug/23 going to lay on the floor


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Tonya heard from the furniture store.

Her new end tables and coffee table have arrived and will be out for delivery.

Now, if it were up to the Big Guy, he would ask if they could go pick them up directly.

But she also must of paid for the delivery already.

It's getting cooler in the evenings.

Like Summer came, it was hot, and is leaving now.

They will be taking the Air Conditioner out of the bedroom window.

I'm sure they could put one of those window fans in it's place and the room would be cool when they woke up.

That would mean, no longer having to climb those stairs to go to the "cool room".

That is the only pain in the ass.

Yes, I want to be cool.

But at what price?

It's those stairs.

Why didn't they get a 1 level house?

Or an apartment?

Then again, some apartments have 2 or 3 floors.

Although I think they are called condos.

Humans and their houses.

Oh well, this house is pretty nice, so I best stop bitchin.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having his first swim

Bye bye fur now

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